Contact Us

Street Address 1-29 Russell Street Werribee, 3030
Postal Address PO Box 522 Werribee, 3030
Telephone (03) 8734 5200
CRICOS Provider No 01220B

College Tours

If you’d like to see the College, please contact our registrar.

Absent Students

Families of students who are absent from school, should report via the Absences tab on via SEQTA by 9:00am.

If your child is absent without us having been notified by 9:00am, families will now receive a DM notification of the absence.

Please note: Notifications received after 9:00am may not be processed until after the DM is sent. In this instance, however, you may disregard the message.

If you received the DM, and have not notified the College, you will need to get in touch as soon as possible. Our current process includes an additional phone call from the Attendance Officer to any family who has not been in touch regarding their absent child. It’s an additional precautionary safety measure to ensure all our students are accounted for.

Upon returning to school the student must provide to the homeroom teacher, a note from the family.

The absence can only be deemed to be an Approved Absence for attendance recording reasons if the note is accompanied by a medical certificate/statutory declaration within three days of the student returning to school.