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COVID-19 – 11 October UPDATE 1

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The increased daylight hours of spring often signify renewal; I pray such renewal will have positive implications for our College community. Adjustments occur with the warmer weather – this year also bringing into focus greater hygiene awareness and an increased vaccination uptake –contributing to less viral impact.

Following on from these wider changes, I wish to make you aware of adjustments that are being made at the College.

Year 12
Year 12 Celebration and Reflection days have been combined and rescheduled to Thursday 18 November, involving a whole school liturgy celebrated in each classroom via live stream.

Year 12 Graduation has been rescheduled to the evening of Wednesday 8 December. Due to restrictions and caps on numbers attending, we will not be able to have this celebration at Marvel Stadium. While not the Graduation we have become accustomed to, it will resemble our successful interpretation from last year. It will be held in the Tenison Woods Centre (TWC). At this stage, only graduating students and specific staff will be in attendance. We will keep you updated with any developments throughout the term.

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS)
Our annual School Improvement Surveys have been rescheduled and will impact 15% of our parents/guardians. Your feedback is valued and, if you get invited to participate, please consider completing the survey from Orima Research. It takes approximately 15 minutes.

I am hopeful of greater freedoms as this term progresses.

Thank you for your trust in us as we continue to meet the changes that COVID-19 imposes.


God bless.

Kind regards,
Rory Kennedy