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Safer Internet Day 2023

Each year, MacKillop Catholic College recognises and celebrates Safer Internet Day. Safer Internet Day is a global event that’s been running for twenty years. Its goals are to offer advice, provide support and show initiative in trying to keep us all safe in our online environments.

With the advancements in technology since Safer Internet Day’s inception, society has seen numerous changes with real world impacts, both good and bad. These advancements have only elevated the importance of online safety.

This year the office of the e-safety commissioner is asking Australians to celebrate safer internet day with a program to Connect. Reflect. Protect.

Connect safely and with purpose – by keeping apps and devices secure and using social media in positive ways.

Reflect before we act – by taking a moment to consider how what we do and say online may affect others.

Protect ourselves and others by taking action – by telling family, friends or colleagues about eSafety and how we can help.

By doing these simple things, we can all work towards making every day a Safer Internet Day for our MacKillop community.